Classes for growers, food systems professionals, and the community.
ValleyHUB’s Urban Farm and Food Hub serve as living laboratories for courses in Kalamazoo Valley Community College’s Agrifoods department. We have three main types of educational offerings:
Courses for credit in the Agrifoods department are a required component of Kalmazoo Valley’s Culinary Arts and Sustainable Food Systems associate’s degree program. These introductory courses in food systems, food production, and supply chains are open-enrollment and offered year-round. An Agrifoods certificate and/or degree will be available through Kalamazoo Valley by the early 2020s.
Workshops for growers cover topics such as farm food safety, post-harvest handling, product development and marketing, hoophouse management. These workshops are typically offered as single-day events, as demand arises.
Community courses through Kalamazoo Valley’s Life Enrichment department introduce the community to various aspects of food production, such as Beekeeping and Mushroom Cultivation.