
The On-Farm Food Safety Project (OFFS) helps you learn about food safety, create a personalized on-farm food safety plan, and become food safety certified.   Endorsing...

This guide gives growers an accessible and easy entry point for certification. It covers concerns, benefits, steps toward certification, record keeping, and marketing strategies.   Endorsing...

This guide offers advice on food items that may be sold, conditions that must be met at the point of sale and helpful tips on...

Fabulous site with tons of great resources for everything from business planning, to finding farmland, to information on specific farm enterprises from mushrooms to goats...

ATTRA is the best place to start looking for information you need, with incredibly useful documents, a bank of internship opportunities, webinars, and even an...

In this guide find you’ll find what it takes to start selling to restaurants, what chefs and others are looking for when buying from you,...

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