04 Dec Small Grains & Legumes Production Workshop
Tuesday, December 4
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Reel Livestock Center
Join us for the first workshop in our Crop Diversity and Profit Series, which will focus on the production of small grains and legumes.
Meet fellow farmers who are enhancing their crop rotation and finding higher profits by adding small grains and legumes to their rotation. Low commodity prices are driving many farmers to look for out-of-the-box solutions. Crops like oats, wheat, rye, peas, and dry beans can be an excellent addition to an existing production system. Learn strategies for producing food-grade small grains and legumes, including variety selection from heritage types to modern cultivars, and how this can help you access higher profits. Also, gain an understanding of the equipment needs for small grains and legume production as well as the agronomic requirements of buyers.
$20 early-bird (through November 30 @ 11:59 p.m.),
$25 regular (after November 30).
Registration closes on December 2 @ 11:59 p.m.
Register for both the Small Grains and Legumes Production workshop and the Small Grains and Legumes Storage and Handling workshop (taking place in January) and pay only $35 before December 3.
Visit our website to register: https://thelandconnection.org/smallgrainslegumes2019